Wednesday 1 May 2013

I have heard this saying time and time again & it NEVER gets old. The dumbest question is the one that you don't ask! Never be afraid to ask a question, you would be surprised at the responses that you get. Recently, I went to a Success Factor Women's Seminar and a lovely lady by the Sonja M. Williams advised all of us women (either current business owners, wanting to start a business, or been in the game for years) to OPEN OUR MOUTHS AND ASK FOR WHAT WE WANT. NEGOTIATE!!!! Listening to her speak opened my eyes and mind to a whole different level. So I decided to write this post to hopefully help someone else out there.

Do NOT be afraid to ask dumb questions. They are easier to handle than dumb mistakes.

Its a fear almost everyone has, asking a silly/dumb question that we think people are going to sneer or laugh at. That's why most of us don't get up in front of people to give presentations, ask questions, or anything else. Your fear of getting laughed at is SERIOUS! But when you hold your tongue and don't speak up you could and possibly mess up something later. Then what do we do next??? We tend to beat ourselves up and ask ourselves over and over again, "Why didn't I speak up, Why didn't I ask that question?" But have you ever realized that most of the time when you might not ask the question someone else does and your so thankful they did because you desperately wanted the answer. You didn't think that other person was dumb when they asked that question, did you? Probably not! I know I never did. ALWAYS realize that asking questions are a part of growing, learning, and maturing as an individual. Some of the most successful people that you may admire are the ones that always asked those questions (no matter what others thought or did). Don't think you can't still learn without asking questions BUT its called the hard way for a reason.

Thanks for reading and hope you ask that question the next time you have the opportunity to!

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