Wednesday 1 May 2013

Think like a leader to solve problems easlity

Think like a leader to solve problems easlity

Leaders posses the skill to create favourable pictures in their mind. Leaders acquire habit, that allow to see all the events and obstacles they naturally are. Average people have habit to underestimate their own strengths and overestimate their own weaknesses. All the opportunities they watch as something impossible, and do not believe it may come true some day. But all the problems they see very seriously. They picture all the events in dark shades, they are afraid of the worse events come true. Just bathe in their problems in the imagination. Leaders take problems as they naturally are, and exaggerate opportunities. To say the truth, if all the problems see as ordinary situations, they are resolved very quickly. The difference is in perspective: if to see the problem as something terrible and try to avoid problems, struggle against problems, other difficulties will be attracted to you. The following difficulties make the situation much more worse.
Actually leaders do not use the word 'problem'. This word arouse negative pictures in the mind, that attract various negative situations. Leaders exclude the word 'problem' from their vocabulary. Instead of it, they use the word 'situation'. For example 'I have the problem' leaders change to 'I come across interesting situation, and I need to resolve it'. Note how gloomily seems the first sentence and how encouraging is the second one.
Leaders watch the words, that give rise to negative images in their mind. The point is that our mind operates only with images, and words are just a tool for conveying these images to other person. Words can not always convey the image, that appear in one's exactly and clearly. The result is the following: to convey the image from one man to another, it should be coded in words, then pronounced, other person should understand it, and after decoding it, the person can understand the image. The words are used as third parties. And to convey the definite image, you can use many different words. Leaders develop the habit to convey their thoughts in positive way. The same image may demoralize other people or on the other hand encourage them depending on the words being used to convey this image. Just imagine, the leader say to his team: 'We have problems'. And regardless, of what he says next, the overall image will be dark shaded. This is the as to draw a picture not on the white canvas, but on great. The other thing is to say 'We successfully proved this idea would not work as we expected. We have to do in a different way.'
Average person's thinkingLeader's thinking
we have problemswe come across interesting situation
this will not workwe have to keep trying to make it work for us
the situation is very difficultthe situation is quite simple, we have to find out the effective way to resolve it
the market is saturated. Over the 80% is sold.the market is partly saturated. Here is 20% left
I am too young/oldmy age is my advantage
they have all the advantages, they exceed in every fieldno doubt, they have all the advantages, but no one can have full superiority
I've made a mistakeI gain an experience
I have lostI have lost the battle, but the war is not ended yet
How do the leaders think
1. Leaders use only positive images, because they know, that the mind operates only with images, that's why they try to create favourable pictures in mind. Being gloomy and anxious it is impossible to act effectively.
2. Leaders understand the problems as they are, they do not exaggerate them and try to deliver the problems to other people in the most simple and understandable way. . If we reduce the size of the tiger to cat's sizes it will be not so scaring. Often people exaggerate the difficulty of the problem, that leads to real difficulties.
3. Leaders smile. Try to smile and in the same time to think about something negative. You can not. Either the smile will fade away or thoughts automatically change to the positive. No other option is available.
4. Leaders may seem very serious, but within they are not. Do not be very serious. Seriousness increases importance and increases the size of the problem. On the other hand smile relieves the tension, decreases importance and as a result help to resolve the problem more quickly. Importance blocks the thinking. The more important the task, more you worry about the end result. When you worry it is very difficult to take the problem adequately and solve the problem correctly. Leaders understand this and try to decrease the importance of the problem.
5. Leaders create big images. They create big vision, build big dreams, set big goals and plans, instead of small and miserable. Big goals can encourage and motivate people much more than small goals.
6. Instead of look how much to go forward to the dream, leaders take a look back how much they have already went through. This is applied to aims. If you will look forward how much work you need to do to reach your aim you will never reach your goal. You will give up. When you focus on what you do not already have you steal your own energy and become negative. If you want to have something you do not have right now, you must create the feeling you have it now. If you look back, how much work is done already, you feel happy, because very soon you will have your dream come true. Leaders know this and try to show member of their team how much work is already done.
7. Leaders look in the perspective. They see the things may be in future, but not they are right now. Every businessman, who started his own business see it in the peak of success, and work hard to achieve this overcoming various difficulties. What is right now is the intermediate level to the your goal. Your real life is taking place in your consciousness and the reality is just a reflection.
8. Leaders take all the events and obstacles in the positive way. . Leaders see every situation as a favourable one, even if the situation do not look like a lucky one. Every obstacle carries in itself the seed of the future victory. Our life is the chain of choices. We can not choose the situations and events, that happen to us, but we can choose how to react upon these events. If react negatively, you attract much more negative events. Reacting positively, you transform the negative event into a positive one. And if the leader is unable to sustain the positive atmosphere in the hard times, he can not be effective leader.

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