Wednesday 1 May 2013




Being in  the cleaning business you tend to do a lot of research for the products that you use (eco-friendly & healthy), research for the most effective ways of cleaning, and research on what products can do what for you.
Well, I am going to share some of my tips and tricks with you that I have come across that can help you in all aspects.

1. MICE: Did you know that it is said to be that mice do NOT like peppermint. So if your having this problem put some peppermint oil (pure essential, that is) in a spray bottle & add a little water. Spray wherever you think the mice are. Or you could even spray a napkin, preferrably a cotton ball, and then leave it in those spots. I have tried this and it worked for me. Let me know your results!

2. Clothes - so its time to freshen up those clothes and give them a pure clean smell. Well, try adding a few drops of lavender (pure essential oil) in drawers and closets. You can also put o a cotton ball and leave in the drawers. Smell the results!

3.Potpourri - Have you still got that potpourri container sitting in your bathroom or somewhere else in your home but it has NO smell anymore. Don't throw it away just yet. We can bring it back to life for some time. Take some drop of your favorite pure essential oil and drop it into the container. Go ahead and start reviving!

4. Humidifier - unfortunately if your like me then you suffer with really bad allergies. So there are times when I need to use my humidifier. Well I add anywhere from 1-9 drops of pure essential oil to the water. Not only do I breathe easier but the air smells great and refreshens my senses!

*Also, make sure that you are using pure essential oils (darker bottles are better, they have longer longevity)...and make sure you read the labels so that you can see that they are PURE! If the label says added "with this, or with that" it is NOT pure...

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