Wednesday 1 May 2013

Goal importance

How do you think what actions 100% guarantee the failure in life? 
The main tragedy is people are really thinking they are going towards success, but the truth is they're going to the failure. Likely everyone is convinced they will achieve success, but really they have miserable chances to achieve success if they do not do this. The answer to the just listed question is setting goals. If you do not set goals, you're going nowhere.
Have you shot the bow? Where have you aimed at a target? Probably in the bull's eye. I think sometimes you miss the mark, but you shot not far away from the centre circle. This is because you set the high mark and reach the high results. Now try to remove the target and try to shot. You'll ask what's the sense? And I will ask you in response, what is the sense of life without aim? Have you noticed, when you aimed at the bull's eye your shot was quite good, if you aimed at least to shot the target you miss the target at all. Think about this!

Now imagine the ship sails away to the open see without the captain and a team and without any destination point. Where will this ship moor? Often people laugh at this question, and answer 'of course no where'. In the best case it will land on the low-water. When the ship goes without destination this is funny, but when person goes through life without goal this is ok. I speak about big goals, life goals. Of course everyone has small and miserable aims. Everyone has a goal to get up at certain time. Everyone has a goal to go to work. This is their aim - to go to work. Why? To survive in this world. In the evening watch TV and drink bear with chips. They become tired very quickly. All the time they need a rest working only 40 hours a week. Their mind get tired very quickly, because it does not know what to do. If you set low goals, you will achieve miserable results, or no results at all. Your mind is activated only by high and great goals. If you set high results, you will achieve at least medium results. Try to focus your mind only on the high goals, difficult goals, and then you can expect it go forward achieve marvellous results.

Please note, that no one leaves on vacation without the exact plan. For some reason everyone choose the resorts, book the hotels and aircrafts tickets, pack the suitcases. To make a long story short, do everything as it should be done. But when the vacation comes to an end, they forget to settle a plan for the next period of time and continue moving forward without any plan. Why is this happening? Can it really be true, that the people who meet with failure in life plan this failure long long ago? I do not think so. The main problem is the people DO NOT SET PLANS AT ALL. They plan nothing and expect something to happen. There are few reasons for this.
First of all, no one explains them about vital importance of goals in life.
In school we are taught, that our goals will set the boss. If our parents were employees, nobody taught them to set goals too. That's why they can not explain something to you they do not know. Try to understand, that boss set goals taking into account only his own and his family interests. He worries about you only about what profit you bring him. To say the truth he does not care about your life. So you have to take care about your own life and your family by yourself. And only you can set up goals for yourself. The truth is: if you do not plan your life yourself, someone else will plan your life, and that would be not convenient and profitable for you. All the life you will take part in reaching aims, but the question is would it be your aims, or someones else (e.g. boss, government, etc), you will help everyone to reach their goals, but do not make even a step to reach your. Is the family of your boss has a bigger value to you, than your own? I think no.
Secondly, they do not know what to do.
Setting goals is the character trait of leaders. You have to learn leadership only by yourself. Nobody has an interest to teach you how to become a leader for free. The leadership seminars costs a lot. Why will somebody teach you how to set goals except your parents.
Thirdly, people are afraid do not achieve their goals
Yes, setting goals is connected with the risk of failure, but the risk of total failure in life is much bigger without having any goal. If you afraid to miss your goals, don't tell anybody about the goals you set up. General rule is the following: do not discuss your goals with anybody if you are not absolutely sure this person will support you and would like you to achieve your goals. Try to realize if you do not set goals you will 100% fail, if you set goals you can win, and probably will.
Fourth, people have very low self-appraisal, they believe, they are unworthy of achieving their dreams.
Their belief works against them, that's why they get only miserable results. If you are one of those people, realize that you are the image and likeness of God, you're son of God. How can you be unworthy? Everything in the Planet is created for you. Just go and take it. Using the methods and principles of self suggestion you can change the self image and change whatever you like to. Visualize yourself the person you want to become, and this image will slowly become the part of real you and it will influence your behaviour.

Of course, there are people who do not want anything. They get used to everything they have and do not want to change it for the best or worse. They just want to remain the same. So how they can change something? If you suggest some opportunity to such people they will just laugh at you. Maybe if you give them money, they will take it. But I hope you're not one of them.
Very difficult task to reach the destination point, that does not exist at all. If you do not set up big goals in your life you simply will not be able realize yourself, to express your real potential. You have to be very clear in the process of setting goals.
                                  Goal importance         

Life is very valuable, but it lasts only till the time you have something valuable, some big goal, dream, etc. Even those who knows, that life goals are very important they continue wend through life without goals either because they choose to or because of their indifference. This person is very similar to the traveller who get lost in the darkness and trying to find his way.
Man is very similar to the bicycle. If he does not move forward and toward his goals, he loses the balance and fall down. If you desire something, you have to set it a goal, to achieve this. And if we continue acting as we can not suffer a defeat, we will really achieve everything we would like to. All the obstacles will take the favourable turn. Some magic hand will lead us through life. The only way to achieve the top - is to set the goal. Have you noticed, that there are some days, when we get up without any exact plans in mind, any tasks to do for this day, and this day really goes useless, and we're really happy when these days ends. It seems, that we're doing something for the whole day, but at the end of day nothing is done. Day passes aimlessly. But if we have a day plan, a list of tasks to be done during a day we achieve a fantastic productivity, complete all the affairs and besides we have some free time. Set goals if you would like to achieve results. If you strive to success, set goals with the exact deadline, tasks to be completed, and the execution period. You will achieve results only when you have the plan.
If the person does not have goals in life, what's the point of living? It explains, why people who have goals live longer and grow old slower. The life comes to an end very quickly. If your mind does not busy with affirmative thoughts and actions, it is busy with destructive. Goals and only goals are able to keep the man alive, where the doctors are powerless. Desires are so powerful, that can procrastinate the time of death for years. Let the goals help you to live longer. No medicine in the world can return the man to life so efficiently as goals do

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