Wednesday 1 May 2013

Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly. - Robert F. Kennedy

Life is about taking chances and stepping outside the box. GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE! Ask yourself, do you take any chances in life?  Do you set your personal and work goals high and then work hard to reach them? YES, I can agree and say that taking chances can be a scary thing. The fear of the unknown is hard to swallow at times but the outcome can be EXTREMELY REWARDING! So don't let the fear of possibly failing stop you from making new choices. Even though there is a slight chance you might fail, you have to remember that you will definitely learn some valuable lessons along the way. If you don't believe in yourself then how can you expect others to believe in you. Stand confidently behind everything you do. I, myself, am applying these words everyday to my life. As I attend networking events on a regular basis I am always telling myself to step outside the box and be confident. And I am learning that people recognize confidence and self assurance. Continuously set goals for yourself. If you achieve one goal, then keep going, set another goal and make a plan on how to achieve it. Start small and get bigger and bigger.


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